
How To Get Commercial Snow Removal Contracts

How to Write a Snow Removal Contract: Free Templates and Samples

Oct 21, 2021 5 min. read

University / Snow Removal / Snow Removal Contract

From working in below-freezing temperatures and driving on icy roadways, offering snow removal services inherently comes with run a risk. But declining to provide your customers with a detailed snow removal contract is one run a risk you don't have to take this winter.

A snowfall removal contract tin protect your business from client disputes and miscommunications.

The weather condition may non be reliable, but a proficient contract shows that your business organization is.

Read on to learn more almost contracts, why you need one, and how to write a snow plowing contract before the first snowstorm.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a snowfall removal contract?
  2. What should you include on your snow removal contracts?
  3. Snow removal contract templates
  4. How to get snow plow contracts
  5. How to send snow removal contracts

What is a snow removal contract?

A snow removal contract is a legally bounden agreement between snowfall removal contractors and the customer. It provides the terms of your relationship and protects your business organization from potential disputes or litigation.

Why should you have a contract for snow removal services?

A snow removal contract sets the expectations for your customers. It details your service offerings, the payment terms, and when your customers tin can await the service to be completed.

Having your customers sign off on your snow removal contract earlier your first service, can help:

  • Prevent disagreements or disputes about your provided services
  • Minimize the financial risks of customers paying belatedly, or refusing to pay at all
  • Reduce your liability for belongings harm

READ More than: How to kickoff a snow removal business organisation

What should yous include on your snow removal contract?

Once yous've determined how much to charge for snow removal services, you're set to create your snow removal contract.

Include the following in your residential and commercial snow removal contracts:

  • Holding accost
  • Customer contact information – Include your client's name, email, and phone number
  • Visitor data – Include your business organization name, contact name, email accost, and phone number
  • Date of signing
  • Term of agreement – Specify the outset and end dates of the contract
  • Definition of a snow result – Define the amount of snow required for services and when services will be completed.
  • Property description or map – Include all belongings areas covered under the contract such equally; driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and building entrances
  • Scope of services – Include a detailed description of the services to be provided such equally; snow blowing, snowfall plowing, shoveling, water ice removal services, etc.
  • Additional services – Include any optional services available at an additional toll
  • Cost of services – Highlight the rate and payment schedule. This may include your crew'southward apartment rate, seasonal price, or hourly rate
  • Payment terms – Indicate how you will exist charging for your services: per inch contract, per push contract, per outcome contract, or monthly fixed fee
  • Payment methods accepted
  • Terms and atmospheric condition– Analyze any boosted details about your service guarantees, insurance policy, payments, and termination policy

Exist certain to answer the post-obit questions:

  • When can snow removal services be expected?
  • Are in that location whatsoever additional charges for snow removal from a big holding or after a heavy snow?
  • Are in that location whatever service blackout dates? (Christmas mean solar day or New Twelvemonth's day)
  • What type of snowfall plow insurance coverage does your business have? (Include all required insurance such as; workers compensation, liability insurance, snow removal equipment insurance, etc.)
  • What are the penalties or fines for late payments?
  • How much notice is required to terminate the agreement?
  • Are in that location any penalties or fines when terminating the agreement?

Snow removal contract templates

It's important to remember that your snow removal contract is legally binding.

Before you lot send your contract to your customers, e'er go a second stance. Consult your attorneys, or a legal advisor to brand sure your agreement is in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations.

Here are a few snow removal contract templates you lot can employ for your customers this winter.

1. Template for seasonal snow removal contract

Contractors should include this seasonal contract template when sending quotes to whatsoever residential or commercial snow removal customers.

2. Residential snow plow contract template

Include this snow turn contract template when sending quotes to your residential customers.

three. Template for commercial parking lot snow removal contract

Include this template when sending quotes to a property manager for commercial backdrop.

image of commercial snow removal contract template

How to become snow plow contracts

With your contract in place, you're prepare to build your snow removal client base.

Hither are three tips to become you started:

ane. Distribute snowfall removal flyers

Delivering flyers within local communities is a cracking way to attract new residential snow plowing customers.

Drop flyers off door to door, or post tearaway flyers on community bulletin boards in grocery stores or libraries. Just brand sure to inquire permission first!

Make certain your snowfall removal flyers include:

  • Your business organization proper name and logo
  • A description of your service offerings
  • Detailed contact data including e-mail, phone number, and website URL

2. Ask for referrals

Turn happy customers into qualified leads with a customer referral program.

Follow these steps to get started:

  • Identify your most loyal customers
  • Ask for referrals over the phone or by email
  • Make referring like shooting fish in a barrel for your customers
  • Give thanks customers for their referrals

READ MORE: How to ask for referrals [scripts and examples]

3. Post snow plow ads online

If you lot're looking to accomplish a local audience, Google Local Service Ads is a slap-up place to start. Your snowfall removal ads will appear on Google's search results for local residents searching the web your services.

How to send snow removal contracts

Jobber's CRM makes it piece of cake to track and store your customer information and snow removal contracts.

Apply your customer's stored holding details to edit one of the above downloadable Discussion Document templates. Then save the certificate as a PDF file.

When you're ready to fire off a quote from Jobber, attach the PDF file of your snow plow contract and hit send.

Set your snowfall turn concern up for success this wintertime season. Use our gratis snow removal contract templates to fix your client's expectations from mean solar day i.


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