How Long Does It Take to Build a FenceIn Calgary, fence builders must contend with the fact that the basis may be permanently frozen for months – but we're used to working around that.

Other factors besides weather can lead to delays in constructing a fence.

Then, how long should it have to build a fence?

How much depends on the type of argue y'all want to build?

Which other factors apart from climatic conditions can accident out your fence-edifice timeline?

These questions and more are answered below.

Standard fence installation times

About home, concern or acreage property owners who make up one's mind to build a argue need it yesterday!

Realistically, at that place is a thorough procedure that needs to be followed before breaking footing on your new fence. There tin exist no corner-cutting.

In one case you volume your fence installers for a convenient engagement and outset work on your fence, though, you should not have to look more than a few days earlier it is consummate.

With Relia-Built Fencing, once you approve our quotation (our quotes are Gratis and always will be), nosotros volition provide you with an authentic timeline for installation.

At the busiest times of year (spring, summertime generally), the delay to kickoff the job may get pushed out a lilliputian but it won't impact the time it takes to consummate information technology once started.

Some contractors promise a "two-to-three-day job" but the installation days can be spread over weeks – posts one twenty-four hour period, rails a week later and gates a calendar week after that. With us, installations are completed in a one-time slot.

And then, most residential fences tin can exist completed in a solar day or ii after the commencement engagement while larger-scale projects for businesses or farms may take a few days.

What type/size of argue are you installing?

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We build fences of all sizes and types but by nature, they involve slightly different installation times. After all, almost every fence is a custom projection that delivers a unique construction for whatever habitation, business organization, or subcontract.

Following are some estimated daily installation targets for different types of fences:

  • Ornamental fences: eighty to 150 ft/solar day
  • Vinyl fences: 80 to 150 ft/day
  • Wooden fences: xl to 100 ft/twenty-four hour period
  • Concatenation link fences: 100 to 200 ft/24-hour interval
  • Agronomical fences: 200+ ft/day

These are only crude estimates and times will be influenced by other factors. Nevertheless, you get the full general idea: agricultural fences are generally the easiest to install and the most difficult are wooden residential fences.

As a guide, an boilerplate-sized yard in Calgary requires between 75 and 150 feet of fencing.

Allow's say your m requires 150 feet of debate. Using the to a higher place guidelines, a 150-feet ornamental, chain link or vinyl fence might take between one and ii days with normal ground conditions, while a wooden fence might take between two and three days.

Other key considerations for your fence installation timeline

The following are the other main considerations when you are considering a timeline for the completion of your fencing project.

  • What is the terrain similar?

    A yard with rocky ground involves harder work when installing a argue.

    For safety, strength and durability, fence posts must be installed to a certain depth in the ground. Excavation through rocks, boulders, concrete, tree roots, or clay deposits takes considerably longer than excavation through soft earth.

  • What level of customization/design complication is required?

    If you want a completely customized fence, extra time will be required to create the panels – adding fourth dimension to your fencing project as well as expense.

    Likewise, if your blueprint involves multiple gates or other not-standard features, expect information technology to take longer than a simple fence.

  • Do you lot need to remove an existing debate?

    Fourth dimension will be added to the project if former debate posts need to exist removed before work can begin on the new fence.

    Sometimes, fence posts snap off at the base and crave a jackhammer to remove the beneath-the-basis bases.

  • What are the conditions conditions?

    At that place's nix anybody can do nigh a freak cold snap, blizzards, storms or torrential pelting.

    We are used to the cold in Alberta but extreme unseasonal conditions conditions can severely delay plans for your new fence. A overnice sunny day with good ground atmospheric condition is likely to be a very productive one for your fencing team.

  • Delays in delivery of materials

    If your project requires special materials (other than the standard woods, vinyl, ornamental or chain link fencing) you may take to wait for these to be ordered and delivered to your fencing company.

  • The location of your property

    If you're based in the metropolis of Calgary (and surrounding towns), travel fourth dimension should be negligible. However, if you ain a rural property requiring a long journey for the team, this could add together to the installation timeline.

  • Unknowns – like COVID-19!

    Sometimes, unexpected events take everyone by surprise. Who'd have idea we would accept been stuck in our homes with the kids off school while COVID-19 spread like wildfire?

    Major crises like this are rare but when they happen, they cause unexpected delays to all sorts of construction projects.

How can y'all speed up an installation?

There are a few unproblematic measures that a home or concern owner can take to ensure that the debate installation is not delayed. These include:

  • Moving obstacles away from the fence line as much equally possible
  • Leaving around two anxiety of space (minimum) on either side of where the fence will exist installed
  • Cutting dorsum vegetation if information technology is in the fence line
  • Your fencing company should organize a professional person to visit your property before the installation date to marking your grand so that utility lines tin can be avoided during digging.

If non, check with your company that this has been taken care of. At Relia-Built Fencing, it is part of the pre-installation procedure that nosotros handle.

Nosotros will likewise advise you lot on whether you demand any building permits for your fence. Most residential fences in Calgary do non demand a permit if they remain nether 6' tall. We advise all clients of the regulations to avert delays.

What installation time tin you expect from Relia-Built?

Most of our customers want a reliable, durable, practiced-looking fence more than they want a quick fence!

Yous probably won't want to install more one or two fences in your lifetime, so it pays to do it right. That's the priority.

At the same time, nobody wants a fence installation project to drag on. Our team will complete the job as chop-chop as possible and then that you lot can enjoy your new fence with the minimum of disruption to your daily life.

Offset with a free quote.

If you're in the Calgary area, we'll send an estimator to your property to prepare a quote with an indication of how long the project will take and when it can exist started, besides as the costs. Get a free quote today!